Let's just say she really doesn't like being taken for a fool, and has them thrown in detention as a result. Death Glare: Principal Celestia gives one to the main seven, after being nearly fooled into calling a snow day in the "Blizzard or Bust" segment of Equestria Girls: Holidays Unwrapped.Deadpan Snarker: Celestia starts out as a bit of one in the first movie, but mellows out by the end of it.Caring Gardener: Celestia is one of the mundane variety, as evidenced by her quite large greenhouse, first seen in the " My Little Shop of Horrors" short.
Brainwashed: They are hypnotized in the first two movies, they are seen being freed from Sunset Shimmer's hypnosis spell in the first and they remained hypnotized in the second movie with no showing of them regaining their senses. In particular, one of the reasons she picked going to Canterlot High over Crystal Prep was because Celestia studied there. Big Sister Worship: Luna shows a lot of love and respect for Celestia in their shared diary. When the heroines try and trick her into calling a snow day, she has them thrown into detention. Berserk Button: Celestia really doesn't like being taken for a fool. Batman Gambit: Luna suggested and pulled one with the help of Celestia and their friends in order to find the exact location where the Crystal Prep's Shadowbolt - a very important statuette that was stolen by a pair of CHS students and hidden somewhere in the woods nearby - was hidden: they spread a rumor that the statuette had a valuable gemstone inside, and followed the culprits when they decided to go back and check. They are still authority figures, but of a high school in the human world rather than a pony empire. Alternate Self: Of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.
Adults Are Useless: The first two movies have them of no help to resolving the conflict at hand, though in the case of Rainbow Rocks its because they were turned into mindless puppets by the Dazzlings.
Celestia runs the school while Luna is in charge of discipline. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna, clearly older than the student body, are the counterparts for the Princesses, with whom they may share some tropes. Voiced by: Nicole Oliver (Celestia), Tabitha St.